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Why mBIT Coach Certification?

As an individual, member of a team, manager, coach, have you ever ….

  • been pulled between your head telling you one thing and your heart another?
  • experienced a time when you just couldn’t work up the courage to take action?
  • struggled to make clear decisions?
  • had an internal conflict between thoughts, feelings and behaviours?
  • felt you’re not fully in-tune with the real person inside?

If  you’ve ever experienced any of the above it is likely that your three ‘brains’ are not fully aligned.

What if you could learn a simple process to assist yourself and those you work with align and integrate head, heart and gut wisdom’s?  You can on the mBIT Coach Certification.


Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka are the originators and creators of a powerful model, multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT for short!), allowing us to access the intelligence in our head, heart and gut brains, aligning the wisdom of each and using it optimally for the best possible results in our work and personal life.

The latest finding in Neuroscience have proven what ancient wisdom’s say, that we have not only one, but three brains!  In addition to the brain in our head, we also have a brain in our heart and in our gastrointestinal system.  These brains communicate with us in three different ways.  However, we don’t always know how to listen to them, have them work together in flow, to help us make more effective decisions and take courageous action in our personal and professional life.

This course, run throughout the world, is the only one of it’s kind fully certified by mBIT International Pty.  I’m delighted to be the only mBIT trainer in Ireland to be offering this course at present.

mBIT is for anyone who enjoys working with people!

Are you a coach, consultant, manager, educator, facilitator, health-care professional, mentor, team member, someone who enjoys developing your skills?  Someone who already knows the basics of coaching or facilitating and working with people?  If your answer is yes, then we build on that knowledge and give you a deep understanding of the mBIT Toolkit that you can adapt to your own field of work.  mBIT tools can be used on their own and are an amazing complement to a variety of other modalities.


Course Dates – March ’25

  • Module 1 – 6th – 7th March
  • Module 2 – 27th – 28th March
  • 2 hour follow-up session (date agreed on course)
  • Neuroscience and our 3 brains

  • Heart brain – leads with compassion

  • Head brain – logic & creativity combined

  • Gut brain – motivation, action, gutsy courage

  • Align all 3 for wise decisions

Additional funding support may apply!

You may be eligible – terms and conditions apply. Contact Bernie for further details.

Meet your

mBIT certified trainer

mBIT Coach Certification

Consider joining us on the 4-day mBIT Coach Certification here in Ireland.  Our days are active and participative, where you learn by doing and build your skills progressively over the 4 days.  Along the way you’ll make deeper connections within yourself, engage with others, make new friends and have some fun and enjoyment too.

Day 1 looks at the science behind mBIT and Day’s 2, 3 and 4 focus on learning the process and building and refining your skill, with a final integration and assessment at the end of day 4, prior to Certification by mBIT International.

Bernie Rogers

I continually experience for myself the power of the mBIT process, helping me make wise decisions and take gutsy, compassionate and creative action.  I also witness the amazing changes that occur for clients when they move up the mBIT ‘roadmap’.

It’s wonderful to see people connect with the heart and gut brain intelligence, in addition to their head brain intelligence, leading to them making more aligned, congruent decisions in their professional and personal lives.

The course

The 4-Day mBIT Coach Certification is the only course certified by mBIT International (designed by the originators of the mBIT process – Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka).  Due to the powerfulness of the process the course takes place face to face.

On the course you’ll receive a copy of the book ‘mBraining Using Your Multiple Brains To Do Cool Stuff’ and a course manual.


March 6 @ 8:30 am
March 28 @ 6:00 pm
Event Category:


NLP Training Institute
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Kilkenny Education Centre
Callan Road
Kilkenny, R95 RH97
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